ColorClone Free Trial
Check out our fully featured demo below to see if ColorClone works with your workflow!
ColorClone Indie
DaVinci Resolve Plug-In

For Windows and Mac

Full FilmaticAI pre-built camera match library
25 base cameras and 3 light spectrums
Log-to-Log transforms
Output gamma transforms (Log)
Cross platform with multi-machine support
Export LUT functionality
Watermarked Image
Unlimited future updates and camera additions
Free Trial
No credit card required!
ColorClone in Action
Watch our full walkthrough and demo to see how it works!

What is ColorClone?
ColorClone is a camera matching plug-in for DaVinci Resolve and Adobe Premiere Pro (coming soon).
It leverages our powerful and advanced machine learning model to transform the colors of nearly any camera into cinematic grade color science.
Use it to match cameras, elevate your camera's color science, or speed up your workflow.